We add to all your Corporate Innovation Strategy components
Organization & Execution
Talent and experience to accelerate corporate digital transformation
Throughout the crucial process of creating a corporate innovation roadmap, Cuartari will assist you in benchmarking technologies, sharing experiences from other companies, other industries and other countries. Our portfolio of technologies will be a source of inspiration and contribute to building a successful corporate innovation model. Our team’s extensive corporate expertise can help you to deliver transparency, coordination and to facilitate collaboration between all parties over the process. The technology companies we propose are in charge of the execution; besides, Cuartari will assign a high-level KAM that will take care the process to ensure project’s success and the continuity of the relationship. Include us in your innovation team and get senior support in both technology analysis and strategy development.
Main sectors of our clients
Technology is changing the world , the way of doing and managing business has changed, it needs to be more efficient and adapt quickly to changes. It is Therefore essential that we are constantly looking for new opportunities and that we be the first to adopt these new technologies in order not to risk losing market share, becoming obsolete due to the emergence of new competitors or losing profitability.
Banking sector
Banking sector in Spain
- Spanish fintech attractive market:
- Market: 392 Fintechs in 2019 (+16%) sic.Finnovista. - Fintech & Insurtech Association: AEFI - 142 associated companies. Part of the FinTech IberoAmerica Alliance. - Fintech Sandbox: 2020 approved. “Regulatory sandbox” for businesses to test out new products or services. New law to boost technological innovation. - PSD2: banks have to open their services to TPPs (Third Party Payment Service Providers). Allows competition PIS (Payment Initiation Services) and AIS (Account Information Services). High security: SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) – double authentication factor. - Other: GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – consent needed -, MIFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II) – investors protection and transparency -, AML (Anti Money Laundering), etc.
The Future of the insurance industry
The insurance sector in Spain
- Spanish insurtech attractive market
- Market: 357M€ fundraised local Insurtechs in 2020 (50%+ Health & Medical). - Fintech & Insurtech Association: AEFI - 142 associated companies. Part of the FinTech IberoAmerica Alliance. - Fintech Sandbox: 2020 approved. “Regulatory sandbox” for businesses to test out new products or services. New law to boost technological innovation. - PSD2: banks must open their services to TPPs (Third Party Payment Service Providers) to allows competition PIS (Payment Initiation Services) and AIS (Account Information Services). High security: SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) – double authentication factor. - Other: GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – consent needed -, MIFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II) – investors protection and transparency -, AML (Anti Money Laundering), etc.
Health & Life Science sector in Spain
Health & Life Science sector in Spain
- The market:
In the future of health, we expect six key areas — data sharing, interoperability, equitable access, empowered consumers, behavior change, and scientific breakthrough— to collectively transform the existing health system from treatment-based reactionary care to prevention and well-being
Hospitality sector
Hospitality sector in Spain
- Spanish hospitality attractive market:
- Market: closing 2019 at 50 billion €, the second world turist destination with an unrivalled culture of eating out. Spanish gastronomy’s quality is worldwide recognised and is fueling important local chains international expansion. - Spanish Food Tech: one of European and world main players, its ecosystems comprise 150+ AgriFoodtech and investments in the local startups reached 450M€+ in 2020 - Hospitality & Foodservice Associations: AECOC with 27k companies associated is by large the single forum for the industry at large (best practices, institutional representation, legal advice, technology scouting and trends hunting... SUP is very close to the association and thus offer Restech companies a perfect market entry.
The Industry 4.0
The industry 4.0 in Spain
- Spanish attractive market:
- Automotive: Spain ranks second in Europe & eighth worldwide in automaking (10% of Spain's GDP & 18% of total exports). +17.5% last 5 years, in 2019, 2,822,360 vehicles manufactured in Spain. Top 3 Spanish tiers 1 (Gestamp, Cie Automotive and Grupo Antolín) are global technology & capacity leaders. - Industry 4.0 SPAIN: the digital transformation of the Spanish industry emerges. Companies want to go digital by using big data, machine learning or artificial intelligence to be competitive, scalable and profitable. - Placing the customer at the heart of any strategy: companies consider as priority those technologies that satisfy the needs of efficiency, micro-segmentation of the client based on data, omnichannel and digital security. - Barriers: the main barriers do not have to do with technology. Culture and resistance to change within companies remain the main obstacles to digital transformation.
Agriculture sector
Agriculture sector in Spain
- Spanish agriculture attractive market:
- Thriving ecosystem: in 2019 €400M+ raised and last decade €635M+ invested. There are 210+ actors in Spanish agrifoodtech ecosystem, 150+ startups, 40+ investors and 14 ecosystem enablers. - Most active technologies: The Agtech farm management, consumer Apps & delivery are core technologies. - Organic: Spain represents 9% of the production of European organic food and drinks. The brand reach the third place on the continent. - Modernization is starting: increasing global VC investment in food tech companies & the rapid growth of generalists Spanish VC is showing positive effects on the local innovation. Also, many local large farmers were acquired by funds to implement precision farming.
The Future of the engagement
The engagement sector in Spain
- Spanish madtech landscape
- Spanish categories landscape: local startups seem to have a balanced spread across all categories - 5G deployment: the unbeateable generalization of 5G in Spain throughout 2021 will favor the promotion of other technologies & Artificial Intelligence, which is the aspect that will most revolutionize the marketing ecosystem, in addition to many new businesses and formats. - Madtech tipping point: Advances in analytics & hiperlocation to drive a more demanding customer in a wireless environment in which video will lead.
The Future of the energy
The energy sector in Spain
- Spanish energytech attractive market
- The Spanish EnergyTech sector advances unstoppably towards sustainability and decarbonisation.
The entrepreneurial ecosystem turns green and advances unstoppably on its roadmap towards a more sustainable and decarbonized energy model in 2030. The IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Big Data, among other technological tools, have contributed to the development of multitude of projects aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The future of supply chain
Supply-chain in Spain
- Spanish Supply Chain attractive market
- Fragmented: most logistics service companies are small businesses, 79.79% to be precise. Top operators are Correos (26%), DHL (18%) & Seur (8%). - Spanish Logistics Center (CEL): is one of the driving forces in the sector focusing on the generation & dissemination of knowledge to improve supply chain management. Done through innovation programs (prospecting & analysis), the development of reference sector best practices projects (strategic partnerships) & implementation of the communication process (dissemination and training). - Ecosystem: time flexibility, immediacy, geolocation & process optimization combined with technology & industry 4.0, have made this sector one of the champions in innovation & boosted many logistics local startups. - Programs & mentoring: many corporate initiatives with the aim of incubating, launching & boosting startups in the logistics sector.e.g.CorreosLabs launched the Lehnica Challenge initiative. Kaleido Logistics, Mercabarna, Port 4.0.
Retail Sector
Retail in España
The Spanish retail market invests more than 800 million euros a year in technology. In the near future, Spanish retail will have new capacity control, management and smart labeling technologies These are technologies for the control of capacity and mobility within establishments and to guarantee the safety distance; as well as technologies to control the self-service capacity of customers; applications for employee management tasks such as order preparation; and for smart labelling, thus minimizing handling.
Setor de restauración
Sector del Legality en España
- Claves del mercado Español:
Spain is the second European country in number of investments in the Legaltech field, after the United Kingdom, according to Legal Geek. Despite being a young sector and still with a great growth trend, Spain has -according to the Legaltechies consultancy- 142 projects and more than a hundred companies related to legal technology. Which translates into more than 65 million euros invested in the sector.